Siding for homes is what gives your house great color and definition. There are so many different choices in order to make sure that you the perfect kind. How your home looks is very important but you also need to think about the strength, resistance to water, how easy it is to install and the versatility of the material. Siding for homes is also functional; it protects the home as well as highlighting the special and unique features of it like the entry ways or windows. Here are the most common and popular kinds of siding for homes.
One of the best things about vinyl is the cost. The initial investment as well as vinyl siding repair costs are fairly low, comparatively. It’s also pretty easy to maintain, needing minimal work. Siding contractors compete fiercely so along with that and the ever changing technology, vinyl has become very popular for homeowners as well as professionals. However, if you live in a cold area, this could cause the vinyl to get brittle and crack or break. If it gets to hot, the material could melt. So, if you want to enjoy the benefits of vinyl siding for homes then you need to make sure your climate is suitable.
This material gives off a homey, bungalow or cottage type feel to homes. It can be a very warm and inviting look if that is what you are going for. However, you need to keep in mind that you may need to chalk or paint it or possibly stain it in order to stop it from becoming damaged by the weather. Wood also attracts insects and rodents which is never a good thing. However, if you can keep up with the maintenance and bug repellents your wood siding could last up to 100 years. As far as the cost goes, wood is pretty much average. It’s not as cheap as vinyl but not as expensive as some of the other materials.
Brick is typically made from fired clay and is available in all kinds of different textures and shapes and sizes. Brick siding gives a home a colonial type of look which is extremely popular all over the world. Brick is usually built around the wood frame structure of a home as well as an insulation later because brick is not known to be a good insulator. This material can tend to get a little pricey, depending on the size of your home.
Fiber Cement
Fiber cement is popular because it can look just like stucco or wood but at a much lower cost. It is very low maintenance as well as being non flammable and resistant to termites. However, fiber cement doesn’t do very well with moisture. If a home was built with fiber cement before the 80s, it is possible that the siding could have asbestos, a dangerous mold. If this is the case, a professional needs to remove it before deeming it livable.
The real stucco is made from sand, cement, lime and water. It is usually used with a waterproof barrier and metal screening that are put over the home’s wood frame.If you are going for a ranch like or Spanish mission type look, then stucco is exactly what you want. The downside of stucco is that it has to very carefully installed. If not done correctly, it can end up with a lot of cracks throughout the exterior. But, if it is done properly and of course, correctly maintained, stucco can last the entire life time of the home.
Stones have long since been thought to be naturally beautiful. Granite and limestone are often used as siding for homeowners that have the money. It is very expensive and can be difficult to add as siding but the finished product is absolutely lovely. Stone veneer is a good alternative, being lighter in weight and lesser in price. The veneers look just like the real thing, no one would be able to tell unless you told them.
Choosing the right materials for your home should depend on your desires, needs and wants as well as the atmosphere and climate where you live. How willing you are to do maintenance should play a part to.