Days like these are few and far between. With neither the air conditioning or heater running, you are enjoying a quite morning on the front porch. Drinking one more cup of coffee as you go through the last of the morning’s work emails you again dream about living in some location where mornings like these are not so uncommon. Unfortunately, your husband loves the location where he was born and he insists that this is the best place to raise a family. And while this morning is unusually pleasant, the reality of living in the midwest or many other locations means that air conditioning and heating systems are frequently in use.
Although temperature control can be a welcome relief on the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter, assuming that those services will always be available without proper maintenance is a wishful dream at best. The only way to make sure that a home’s heating and air conditioning systems are functioning when you need them is to make sure that homeowners schedule routine heating and air conditioning maintenance. According to most manufacturers this means at least two service calls a year. One in the spring before the hot weather sets in and one in the fall before the cold winter temperatures arrive.
Americans Have Become Dependent on Air Conditioning and the Comfort it Provides
Even the best maintained heating and cooling systems become less efficient over time, but the physical life of any HVAC equipment can be extended with proper service. It is important to realize, however, that just like computers and other electronic devices, the physical life of a HVAC system can extend beyond the years of best efficiency. routine checkups and service calls, however, can help homeowners know when it is best to begin planning for a major replacement expense. an air conditioning service contractor, for example, can explain the benefits of staying with a current heating and cooling system as well as the benefits of upgrading to a new more efficient model.
Nearly 66% of all homes in America have air conditioners. As a result, these cooling systems use about 5% of all the electricity produced in America, amounting to an annual cost of more than $11 billion to homeowners across the country. Because of the amount of energy that both heating and cooling systems use it should come as no surprise that an entire industry is build around trying to make these HVAC units as energy efficient as possible. air conditioning repair companies and air conditioning installation services, in fact, are a major part of this country’s economics. In fact, the employment of heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers continues to grow.
Are You Looking for a Career with a Strong Future?
Some experts predict, for instance, that the combined HVAC industry will show a 14% growth between the years of 2014 and 2024. This increase represents a growth that is actually much faster than the average of all other occupations. Possible job candidates who are familiar with computers, as well as the electronics in the industry are very employable, Candidates who possess good troubleshooting skills improve their employment possibilities as this fast growing industry continues to struggle to find qualified technicians who can install, maintain, and repair complex new systems, while at the same time repair older units.
As more and more Americans, and people around the world for that matter, gain access to the comforts of air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter, the global HVAC industry is predicted to continue or exceed its present growth. And just as soon as older units begin to fail or operate less efficiently, new technologies can provide consumers with ways to produce more heating and cooling in a method that consumes less energy.
What is the weather like where you are at today? Is it pleasant enough for you to sit outside and enjoy one more cup of coffee. Or, like many Americans, are you dependent upon the cool air coming from your air conditioner to keep you cool enough to go about completing the tasks that you need to complete today?