Companies and even people setting up DIY projects that need different types of equipment for the work involved will often consider equipment rental for construction projects. Depending upon the job that needs to be done and the equipment needed to carry it through will determine what type of equipment they rent. Almost anywhere there are local outfits staffed by professionals who can help the customer decide what is necessary and best to handle the project.
There are a number of good reasons why a company or individual embarking on a construction project would prefer equipment rental for construction as opposed to purchasing the machinery and apparatus necessary. The first reason is pretty simple. The project is short term and will only require a one time use of this heavy equipment. Renting construction equipment makes much more sense, in this case, than a purchase. If purchased, the equipment will more than likely sit idle after the project is completed, waiting for its next use, which could be years down the road. What would probably take place, in that case, is that the equipment would fall into disrepair and depreciate. The all important bottom line is that to rent construction equipment would be the wiser thing to do. In addition, an immediate benefit to the business taking advantage of equipment rental for construction projects is that it can be deducted as a business expense. Another benefit, right off the bat. Boom.
Digging more deeply into the benefits of renting construction equipment, business owners and managers can crunch the numbers for themselves. For example, something like scissor lift rental rates could run approximately $287 per week. If it is needed for four weeks, the cost could run as low as $399. Purchasing this piece of equipment, new, could cost about $22,000. For a business or individual that does not often need the use of scissor lift equipment, the purchase seems like a waste of money. Especially when considering the fact, as mentioned earlier, that the machine sitting idle would be detrimental, and costly in the long run.
Purchasing construction equipment makes sense when it will be used every working day, indefinitely, and can be stored easily. This is when a purchase like this is profitable for the business. Additionally, the ability to provide for general maintenance and repairs is another plus for the purchasing decision.
The sale of lighter construction apparatus in the United States has increased by 11.2%. Some examples of light construction equipment are skid steer loaders, back hoe loaders, and smaller wheel loaders and excavators. These light pieces of construction equipment are being purchased more these days; however, the heavier, larger, and more expensive equipment is more often considered for rental.
Construction is not the only industry that requires the use of heavy equipment. Equipment rental for construction works just fine for other types of industry as well. Every day a telescopic handler, also referred to as a telehandler, is used in agriculture, as well as in other types of industries. This type of equipment, again, is available for purchase or rent.
Construction is an ever moving, ongoing type of work that employs over seven million people, both men and women. Because it seems to be a living, breathing entity, constantly moving forward, and consistently climbing upward, the equipment and supplies required seem to go through their own metamorphisis almost on a daily basis. Construction equipment, both heavy and light, is always being checked and researched. This in order to improve its performance and safety so that it is kept up with the standards of the ever changing industry.
Modern technology has made its mark in the manufacture of construction equipment, as it has with just about everything else used in daily life. For ease of performance and more efficient results, computerization has again showed itself an invaluable asset. Another plug for the rental of construction equipment! Although renting construction equipment every time it is needed could prove more expensive than its purchase in the long run, the fact is that it comes with the ability to upgrade with each rental. A couple of years down the road, the same type of equipment rented as is rented today will almost certainly include upgraded components and a higher efficiency level.