A single clog can stop up your entire week.
When you have work to do and chores to be done, a stopped up toilet or clogged drain can make you realize just how much you take for granted. For those that have to deal with septic tank cleaning? Even more so. Instead of pulling out your hair, however, consider reading the list below. Your local plumbing company has more than enough resources for an emergency repair, able to reverse your problem in no time at all and return you to your regularly scheduled obligations. There are also a few tricks you can learn in the meantime to make sure septic disposal is an occasional affair.
Here’s what you should know about septic disposal management and local plumbing services.
Plumbing is a complicated resource. Believe it or not…it’s also far from new. Indoor plumbing dates back many, many centuries, with some historians claiming as far as 2500 B.C. While we enjoy the benefits of more complex plumbing solutions today, it also means there is a lot more that can go wrong right under your own nose. Homeowners with septic tanks have even more to worry about when it comes to maintenance and can find themselves in a bind when they’re suddenly confronted by clogged drains.
A major issue in the average home today, septic tank or no septic tank, is that of energy usage. Homeowners are always looking to save as much money as possible in the day-to-day, combining new installations with updated habits to keep their monthly bill in the clear. Toilets account for anywhere between 25% to 30% of household water use. Household leaks are also a notorious drain on a homeowner’s energy and time, with one study finding 10% of homes have leaks that waste as much as 90 gallons of water or more per day.
Good habits can do a lot to stave off the need for an emergency plumbing installation. Grease, fat and oil buildups today cause nearly half of the 36,000 sewer overflows that happen every year in the United States. Proper use of a garbage disposal, as well, can keep it running smoothly for up to 10 years. The EPA recently released a statement that the average household can save almost $100 per year with the addition of a low flush toilet. Today there are over 27 million low flush toilets installed throughout the country to save on costs.
Managing a septic tank means being very aware of all the little things that can go wrong. Four factors influence just how often you’ll be pumping your septic tank. You have the size of your household (and thus how often the toilets and sinks are used), the septic tank’s size, the amount of wastewater you generate per month and the volume of solids in wastewater. The average indoor water usage in today’s single-family home is around 70 gallons per individual. Combine that with monthly water usage with toilets and sinks and you can imagine the math.
Household septic tanks today are pumped every three to five years, but it’s recommended you have your household septic system inspected every three years. This is to pinpoint any possible leaks, damage or build-up that could be growing under your nose. Your local plumbing company can also provide you some simple tips for the future and even add a leak repair to the mix to make sure you’re always saving money each month. Fixing an easily corrected household water leak can shave 10% off your monthly energy bills.
Don’t let a clog ruin your day. Look into septic disposal services and plumbing repair to shine a bright spot on your week.