The building inspector has taken a unique approach to making sure that the construction process for a local set of college apartments can be safely completed, as well as offer tours to potential residents. With hard hat tours on Wednesday afternoons at 3:00 and Friday evenings at 5:00 the new building owners are able to show their new concept to potential renters, while at the same time make sure that the building process progresses safely. The people who come on the hard hat tours have to sign on a waiver to walk through the construction site to the one fully completed model apartment, and the workers know that with the exception of two hours during the typical work week they will be able to complete their tasks uninterrupted.
New-construction inspection processes are well regulated and controlled, but it is convenient when a building inspector is willing to work with a team to make sure that every one’s needs are met. New college housing, for instance, that is being completed during the summer when most of the students are gone can find it difficult to get their units rented. With an adapted schedule, however, there are ways to make certain that the safe building process is accomplished, while the units get the visual exposure to know that they will be completely rented.
Building Inspectors Determine the Completion and Success of Many Projects
Nationally certified master inspectors have a long list of safety measures that they need to check. Spanning everything from wind vulnerability risks for a roof top pool to plumbing and electrical, there are many ways a building inspector works for the common good. In fact, both commercial property inspection teams and home inspection services have to be well trained in their craft to make certain that they are able to provide easy to understand directions to any contractors who may need to make corrections.
Whether you are the parent of a college student who is looking for a safe and well located living space for your student or you are a couple purchasing the first home for your family, you need to know that the space you are considering is ready for you. With the use of certified building inspectors, both renters and buyers can know that the space that are considering will meet the latest safety standards.
Different kinds of loans, in fact, require some very specific inspection processes. For instance, the average home inspection takes between two hours to four hours to perform. This time is spent checking a long list of items, which can vary on new construction models to existing homes that are being sold. From inspecting the roof to making sure that all of the electrical and plumbing work is up to code, most realtors advise their clients to never make a purchase without first having an inspection.
Given that an average home inspection requires upwards of 500 data points, as many as 70% of surveyed home owners indicate that their home inspection helped them avoid potential issues. In fact, nearly 90% of surveyed U.S. home owners believe a home inspection is a necessity. Although they are not required for all loans, there are still many realtors who advise their buyers to include a home inspection on any contract. There will always be exceptions where a buyer needs to get a house as soon as possible and may worry that insisting on a contract may limit the chance of getting a home, but these cases are not common. Especially when it comes time to purchase an existing home, the buyer is far better protected if they insist on an inspection before purchase.
New construction projects, of course, come with their own requirements and challenges. No one can occupy a new building space, for instance, until all of the necessary paper work is in place and a certificate of occupancy has been issued. The time that it takes for these inspections, however, is well spent as everyone wants to know that the space they will be living in is ready. Short cuts can lead to deadly problems, so it is imperative that you insist any commercial or residential purchase you make is inspected.