The weather is warming and the construction projects are starting. As the nation continues to recover from various storms, there are a number of commercial roofing, siding, and window contractors who are anxious to get to work. Roofing contractors who specialize in residential roofing projects are also booked solid for the next few months. Sometimes, in fact, the decision about which residential or commercial roofing contractor to work with comes down to availability, as much as price.
If you have a home or a business that has suffered from a recent hail or wind storm then you likely the know the drill. Consulting with an insurance adjustor, getting bids, selecting a contractor, and completing a project is not always as easy as it would seem. Insurance companies are often as busy as contractors in the days, weeks, and months after a storm so getting the decision about how much of a settlement you will be offered can take some time. And some insurance companies are faster than others when it comes to processing claims.
Residential and Commercial Roofing Contractors Offer a Variety of Levels of Supplies
Depending on where you live and the type of weather that you typically experience, roofing companies can often offer the best advice about the kind of shingles you should get and the kind of rain gutters that will work best. Roof repair contractors in Texas, for instance, might suggest a different kind of materials than contractors in another part of the country. For instance, in some states, like Texas, a metal roof can even lower a home owner’s insurance by as much as 35%. Metal roofs are credibly proven to last more than 30 years with minimal maintenance. A metal roof in other parts of the country, however, may offer no savings at all.
Most experts will tell you that investing in the best roof you can afford is often the best idea. As much an investment in your property as any other improvement, a new roof can add value to your home. The fact that a new asphalt shingle roof has a return on investment (ROI) of about 62% is just one indication of how paying for a top of the line product can be the best decision in the long run. Fortunately, under normal circumstances, simply choosing the right roofing material the could result in as much as a 30% decrease in your home’s energy needs. To make sure that you are able to anticipate any problems, however, a roof should be inspected once or twice a year.
When winter weather is finally gone for good, it is important to immediately begin tackling the exterior work that needs to be done at your home. Many of the contractors you will need to complete the projects will be booked weeks, if not months, in advance. For this reason, it is important to immediately contact an insurance adjustor after any storm that damages your home and begin the process of making sure that you get the contractor bids that you need.