Homeowners have a distinct advantage over families who rent their living spaces: they can hire home remodelers to remodel some rooms in the house or even perform whole home remodels if asked. In fact, around 35% of all American home remodel jobs are whole home remodels, and those that aren’t often involve bathroom remodeling and other home renovations such as creating outdoor kitchens or master suit renovations. In other cases, when the homeowner is unsure what the end result of whole home remodels should look like, they can hire a design build team to help. Design build remodeling crews offer professional guidance in designing the final product of whole home remodels, and the homeowner may be pleased by the options and suggestions offered. What might a homeowner expect with whole home remodels, and is this work a good investment?
On Home Remodeling
Many tens of millions of Americans are homeowners, and many of them want to have their living spaces updated and made more comfortable and useful (and attractive, too). This means that in turn, the industry for whole home remodels is quite large, and over 10 million bathrooms and even more kitchens are remodeled every single year across the United States. Who is hiring remodelers for this sort of work? Most often, it is American homeowners aged 55 and over, the Baby Boomers, who spend the most on home remodeling. These older Americans have had longer to save up for such a project, and they don’t move as often as younger adults so they would rather invest in their current properties instead. Baby Boomer homeowners currently outspend younger adult homeowners around three to one on partial or whole home remodels.
Is this investment a smart one? It usually is. Not only will the current homeowner appreciate the attractive and modern end result (which would be unfeasible with a DIY project), but the property will be stronger on the real estate market. When and if the homeowner puts their remodeled house on the market, they can ask for a higher price for it and may expect that house to sell much faster than if no remodeling had been done. Thus, popular rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen may offer a ROI, or return on investment, as high as 70-80%. Something similar may happen when the front and back yards get landscaped, such as adding fully-furnished outdoor kitchens on the deck or porch.
Remodel That House
Remodeling a house, or even just room, is far too skill-intensive for the typical homeowner to attempt alone; this is no DIY project. Rather, an interested homeowner, whether a Baby Boomer or their Millennial children, may look up local home remodeling companies and find one that suits their needs. Such contractor companies tend to have their own websites, complete with videos, images, and articles showcasing their work. A homeowner may compare and contrast a few local companies before hiring one.
Such crews have a variety of skilled workers on hand, such as flooring experts, electricians, plumbers, wood experts, and more. Together, they can transform a room or the entire house. In the kitchen, a flooring expert might scrape up the old tiles or linoleum and put down fresh, more attractive flooring, and meanwhile, plumbers may remove the old sink and put in a new one (which may have more features). The stove and fridge might be swapped out for more recent models if desired, and the cabinet doors may be refinished, repainted, or even taken down and replaced with newer ones. Even the countertop can be replaced; the old one is pried off, then the contractors may put on a tough but attractive model made of granite or marble, for example.
The master bathroom is a popular room to spend time in for shaving, baths, cosmetics, hair styling, and more, so investing in it is a fine choice. Here too, the flooring may be refreshed, and the lighting fixtures can be replaced and the walls repainted. Plumbers may remove the old sink, shower, tub, or toilet and install modern, low-flow models that save on water over time. This also saves money on the water bill, and new toilets and sinks may look very attractive and refresh the entire room.