If you’re looking to paint your home, you are certainly not alone. After all, painting is by and large one of the easiest and most cost effective solutions to sprucing up the overall appearance of said home. Through painting your home, you can make it seem newer or cozier or even just give it a distinct type of style. For many people, painting their home will be a great way to get it ready for being put up on the housing market and hopefully sold as quickly as is possible.
But choosing the right color is an absolute must when painting for this purpose, as /certain colors can actually make your home more appealing to potential buyers than others would. For instance, neutral tones have been on the rise in terms of popularity over the past few years. After all, the data backs this up, showing that up to one third, if not more, of all home owners would actually choose to paint their home in one neutral tone or another if they were to decide to repaint their homes in the first place. Therefore, it can be reasonably assumed that choosing to paint your home in neutral tones prior to selling it might be hugely beneficial indeed.
But there is one place in the home where neutral tones might not be all that beneficial and that place is, perhaps surprisingly, the bathroom. For some reason that is not yet fully understood, blue bathrooms seem to be by and large the most popular. As a matter of fact, just painting your bathroom blue can actually end up getting you a higher selling price for your home at the end of the day, sometimes by as much as $5,400 more, which is no small amount for just the presence of a blue commode.
As important as color is when it comes to choosing paint, it is not the only factor that must be taken into consideration. The actual chemical properties of the paint matter as well, as avoiding paint with VOCs – volatile organic compounds – is something of an absolute must. After all, even volatile organic compounds at a low level can have a profound impact on one’s health. For people who have already been diagnosed with chemical sensitivities, even volatile organic compounds as 500 ppb can have a negative impact. And the need to choose non toxic interior paint like low VOC paint is a must especially if you have children living in the home.
After all, the studies that have been conducted surrounding children and volatile organic compound exposure show this quite clearly indeed. The exposure to volatile organic compounds can end up being quite hugely detrimental, especially for kids living in the top 25% of all VOC concentrations. For such children who fall within this unfortunate bracket, the chances of developing conditions like asthma, allergies, and eczema are increased by more than 100%. And chances of developing more minor but still unpleasant conditions like rhinitis are increased by even more, by more than a full 300%. While these conditions are not necessarily life threatening, they can certainly have the unfortunate impact of lowering overall quality of life, to say the very least. Fortunately, non toxic interior paint like non toxic pain for nurseries or just your basic non toxic paint for walls is becoming more and more accessible as well as more and more affordable.
And if you move into a home that did NOT use non toxic interior paint, don’t necessarily panic immediately. Fortunately, volatile organic compounds even outside of non toxic interior paint will dissipate as time passes on. After about a year, the amount of volatile organic compounds in paint will be diminished entirely and likely no longer even considered a risk. However, it is still always important to use non toxic interior paint for your home (as well as non toxic interior paint for work spaces) if you are ever given the choice. Ultimately, paying extra for non toxic interior paint – if the non toxic interior paint even costs more than more regular types of paint in the first place – will be worth it.