in the past you have not spent anytime thinking about window treatment installers. You have friends who have spent hundreds of dollars on window sheers, Hunter Douglas metal blinds within window panes, and other innovative products. In your home, however, you have not been spending money on those items in the past. Now that both girls are out of the house, however, you are ready to make sure that you get ready to redesign some of the spaces in your own home. You know that it is not advised to completely redo a child’s room while they are away at the first year of college, but you have plenty of other areas in your home that could use your attention, starting with the window treatment installers that you have scheduled for next week.
From the most basic window blinds to the perfectly matched drapes that can elevate the use of a room, there are plenty of ways that you can update a space. Whether you are looking for a way to spend your time after the nest has emptied or you are in search of way to make sure the most used space in your home is looking its best, window treatments are a great way to start.
Window Treatment Installers Offer a Number of Products to Help Your Home Look Its Best
Whether you are looking at wooden blinds for a den or are contracting with window treatment installers to add color to a family entertainment space, if you ask the right questions you can get the results that you want. Even a simple set of sheers for windows can help soften a space in nearly any home. Consider the facts and figures about the interior design industry and the role that window treatments can play in making your home look its very best:
- Draperies can reduce heat loss from a room up to 10%, which is especially important in the winter.
- Medium colored draperies with white plastic backings can reduce heat gains by 33%, according to the Energy.gov website.
- Across the globe, the market for blinds and shades is projected to hit $16.7 billion by the year 2022.
- You may be dealing with draftiness if your windows are more than 15 years old. In fact, windows that stick in frames, tend to have extremely high energy bills
- Approximately 30% of the heating energy in a home is lost through its windows. Fortunately, most types of window treatments will result in substantial savings.
- By the year 2021, the demand for U.S. window coverings is expected to reach $5.2 billion.
When younger individuals or couples first find themselves in a new home, they may be less likely to invest in window coverings. In fact, in the year 2018, only 15.88% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 purchased draperies, blinds, or other window treatments. As home owners spend more time in a home, however, they are more likely to invest in interior design decisions like window coverings. Making the decision to invest in a new home or in updating a current home is not always in the budget for first time home buyers. For people who have more disposable income, however, there are a number of options to make sure that a home is looking its very best.