Although the cost of a new bathtub can be enticing, homeowners may reconsider their options once they realize that they could be spending thousands more for the installation of a new bathtub. With a new bathtub costing between $250 and $800, installation costs can be considerable, especially in older homes. Often, the width of the bathtub exceeds the width of the bathroom’s door frame; homeowners could find that they need to remove door jambs or even sections of their homes’ walls in order to complete their tub replacement project.
Add in the cost of professional contractors and labor, and many homeowners are considering refinishing bathtub surfaces themselves. Experts advise taking care to cover floors and adjacent tile surfaces, and allotting at least a full day for the newly refinished bathtub surface to cure. The cost of bathtub refinishing is typically under $500, and can typically be accomplished by two people in the course of a weekend.
Surprisingly, bathtub surfaces are very vulnerable to wear and tear over the course of many years; after bathtub repair and refinishing, homeowners are advised to avoid abrasive cleaning chemicals. Small cracks and dull surfaces can detract from the overall look of a bathroom, and homeowners may find that they want to preserve their renovation budget for larger, more visible projects.
Making a small investment in preserving historical tubs can also be appealing: finding vintage clawfoot tubs in good condition can be a difficult process, and homeowners usually prefer to keep the ones that came with their homes. Local tile installation contractors are also available to speak with homeowners about shower and floor renovation and repair. Tile removal can take more than a few hours, and homeowners may wish to hold off on tub resurfacing until the rest of the bathroom is completely renovated.
Homeowners who suffer from allergies should also inspect their homes for sinks, tubs, and tiles whose finish has been eroded over the course of time: studies repeatedly show that germs flourish in tiles and bathtubs, and even the most careful cleaning regimen may not be enough to eradicate the most virulent bacteria and viruses. Pet dander and ambient pet hair can also coat a home’s tiles over the course of several decades. If your friends are telling you that your walls have permanently absorbed pet odor, it may be time to renovate and replace porous drywall with tiling that can repel pet odors and dander.
Overall, home improvement projects can save homeowners thousands of dollars; the cost of replacing a bathtub can be overwhelming, and the possibility of needing to repair walls and sub-flooring in the wake of a bathtub removal has homeowners across America seriously considering bathtub repair and tub resurfacing. If home improvement projects seem like something best left to the experts, local contractors should be able to complete the project in a few hours, leaving the new finish to “cure” for about 24 hours.
Home improvement can be fun, and bathtub refinishing can make a big difference in the look and feel of an older bathroom. For under $500, tub resurfacing may be the best project for beginning home improvement enthusiasts to undertake: why live with cracked tile and dull bathtub surfaces when improving them is possible? And for homeowners looking to sell, a newly refinished bathroom may be the perfect way to increase the chances of a quick turnover.