Restaurants and public food places are a common occurrence in many cities. Many cities are built with hundreds or thousands of restaurants in high demand areas. A lot goes into the planning and the design of a well functioning commercial restaurant. The kitchen, where the majority of the product is designed and performed, must be in great working condition. It must have all of the necessary appliances, tools and a great cook. In addition to the great functioning kitchen, it should also be extremely safe. Commercial kitchens include a lot of potential safety hazards. These hazards can be dangerous to the employees on site or to the employees that are visiting the restaurant. A safe kitchen should have efficient and quality fire equipment, in the event of a fire emergency.
There are over 8,000 commercial kitchen fires reported annually. Commercial kitchen fires are more likely than a residential kitchen fire. The cooks are often responsible for cooking multiple items at once. They can get distracted with one item, while a fire is beginning somewhere else. Additionally, they may not know how recent the fryer oil was changed or if other precautions were taken in preventing a fire. Because of this, functioning fire equipment is very important.
In commercial kitchens, automatic extinguishing systems should be inspected and serviced every six months. The fire extinguisher servicing should only be completed by a qualified contractor. A specialist in fire equipment and fire protection will know what faulty signs to look for. They will also be qualified to do a fire extinguisher recharge. A recharge is needed when the fire equipment has been used or has not been used in a long period of time.
Professional fire extinguisher inspections can also ensure that placement of the fire equipment is proper. The closer the fire equipment is to the cooking appliances, the better chance of putting out the fire before any major damage is done. A study of more than 2,000 fire incidents revealed that portable fire extinguishers had successfully extinguished more than 80% of those fires. The placement of these portable fire extinguishers was very important and was a part of the high fire safety plan.
Fire extinguisher services are a great way to prevent costly and timely damages. A fire can cost a business hundreds of thousands of dollars. This number can go even higher is any employees or customers are harmed in the restaurant fire. Although simply placing fire extinguishers in a commercial restaurant are a step towards the necessary fire safety, it is not enough. A professional contractor will understand the regulations of city and the safest types, sizes and location of each fire extinguisher. This can save a restaurant owner a lot of worry.
Commercial restaurants are extremely popular. In addition to the design of the restaurant, the planning of the food menu and the location of the restaurant; a restaurant owner also needs to ensure that their fire safety equipment is up to par. Fires are much more common in a commercial setting than they are in a residential setting. The placement of the fire equipment is very important in the likelihood of successfully extinguishing a fire. A properly placed fire extinguisher can save a commercial restaurant owner a lot of money and time.