How Your Trees Can Improve Your Home

Dc arborist

Hal Boreland once described a tree as “a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart” and while we may look to the beauty of the tree in isolation or in the collective of the forest, few realize the utility that trees can offer to home owners. Far from being a chore to look after, trees can provide vital assistance in terms of cooling and noise reduction. A tree service can ensure that your trees are well-maintained and healthy and continue to provide such benefits for years to come.

Through the process of evaporation, just one solitary tree can produce the cooling effect equivalent to that offered by 10 room-sized air conditioning units in use for 20 hours per day. Planting a tree on the west side of your house can have significant energy savings, reducing your bills by 3% within five years and be 12% in 15 years. Overall residential heating costs can be reduced by between 10% and 15% just be using tree windbreaks. Trees also absorb sound and can reduce noise pollution by up to 40% through the blocking of sound. In farm highway noise can be reduced by half if you have a belt of tress 100 feet wide by 45 feet high near you.

It is vital that trees are looked after in order to afford these benefits. Tree services help with general tree care and can offer tree pruning, tree trimming, cabling, root fertilization, tree bracing, and even tree removal. Trees should be pruned or trimmed about once a year and usually during the dormant season, according to the Department of Agriculture. At least 50% open sunlight should be available to trees in order for them to grow well. Depending on the tree species, they also need the equivalent of one inch of rain every week to ten days.

Taking care of the trees around your home will improve your quality of life through noise reduction and cooling and heating benefits and it will even contribute to an increase the value of your home. Landscaped homes with well looked after trees and lawns tend to fetch prices between 5% and 15% higher than their non-landscaped counterparts; interestingly, homes with trees tend to resell quicker than those without them.