The flooring decisions were the best part of designing your new house.
There were many parts of the home building process that were a challenge, but the fact of the matter is that the fun and excitement of selecting flooring and wall colors made the difficult parts worth it. Because the end result was so great, in fact, you can actually imagine yourself doing the whole thing again. Even though while you were in the middle of the process you swore that you never would.
Finding the Right Flooring Surfaces Can Help You Create a Space That Takes Little Maintenance
Both commercial and residential floor coatings serve a couple of different purposes. From adding color, drama, and beauty to a space, to making sure that a surface is easy to care for and clean, there are a number of flooring options and the market today. It is important to make sure that you understand the attributes of all of the options that are available. And while some of the low and no maintenance options may cost more, it is likely that they will save you both money and time in the future.
From concrete floor coatings that have recently been developed to tried and true linoleum products, it is important to make sure that you have looked for all of the possibilities before making your final selection. And even though some of the decisions can be difficult to make when you are in the middle of a showroom surrounded by a seemingly nonending array of colors and surfaces. Consider some of these other facts and figures about the flooring and remodeling industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- Although polyaspartic coatings cure much quicker, epoxy typically needs between six and eight hours to cure.
- Installation and full cure of polyaspartic coatings can be completed in just one day, depending on floor size and site conditions.
- Meaning that they won’t negatively impact indoor air quality, polyaspartic coatings have low to zero VOC.
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- Measured by PSI, floor coating is only as good as its adhesion to concrete. The ideal PSI measure is one at which concrete fractures are 400 or higher. Coatings at or above this level are considered to have optimal substrate adhesion.