As environmentally-conscious as you try to be in your own home, there’s a good chance you’re wasting a lot of water.
Think about that for a second and consider the following: leaks from an average household account for more than 10,000 gallons of wasted water annually (more than 250 loads of laundry). And it’s not just one spot in the house that’s the culprit. Leaky faucets are to blame. Leaky pipes are to blame and leaky toilets are to blame. Anywhere from 20 to 35% of household toilets leak to some degree.
So what can you do to cut down on household leaks and stop wasting water? For starters, you can be more observant and do all that you can to make sure your drains are clean. There are many signs of a clogged drain and it’s important not to overlook even the smallest of details. If you do, you’ll likely be in for some major plumbing issues and costly repairs.
Signs of a clogged drain can include:
- Bad Smells: Odors can be a dead giveaway that you might have a problem with your drains or septic tank. Odors seep out because water gets clogged in pipes, creating ideal conditions for bacteria, mildew and mold to accumulate.
- Rust: Rust happens when iron is exposed to water and air. Rust is never really good on anything and if it forms around a drain, that can be a sign that leaks are occurring there.
- Slow Drainage: A sink that is slow to drain can also be a sign of plumbing and drainage issues. Keep an eye on toilets or sinks that are slow to drain.
Drain cleaning’s importance can’t be understated and knowing how to keep drains clean around the house will save you a lot of future stress:
- Toilet Drains: First and foremost, the toilet is not a garbage disposal. The only things being flushed down a toilet should be waste from when you go to the bathroom and toilet paper. If you’re trying to unclog a toilet, avoid flushing large amounts of toilet paper and don’t flush anything marketed as “flushable.”
It’s also important to keep an eye on your septic tank. Why are septic tanks important? It helps separate solids, wastewater and scum before they flow to a home’s drain field. Failure to properly care for a septic tank can lead to some bad consequences and putting in a call to plumbing services.
Just how exactly does a septic tank work? When you flush a toilet, waste and water flow into the tank. Solid waste sinks and lighter waste floats, forming a scum layer. Septic disposal should be done every 3-5 years to clean that scum layer and avoid any problems with your drain field. - Kitchen Drains: Again, kitchen sinks are not garbage disposals, so don’t force food down the drain. The only things going down a drain should be soap and water.
If you notice any of these signs, it might be time to contact a septic disposal company and have your septic tank cleaned:
- Gargling noises in your plumbing
- Plumbing backups
Odors or wet spots in your drain field
Slow drainage of faucets and other fixtures
The average lifespan of a septic system is around 25 years, so to keep your septic tank and system functioning correctly, you’re going to want to conserve water, perhaps with a low-flush toilet. You’re also going to want to do periodic inspections and keep records of those inspections. That way you exactly what kind of shape your septic tank is in, what’s been done to it if you’ve had any sort of septic tank repairs done and what the schedule looks like for checking it (again, about once every 3-5 years).
Regular drain cleaning and septic tank cleaning and disposal will help you cut down on the amount of water you waste at home and will keep your plumbing system functioning as it should to avoid issues like plumbing backups and clogged sewer lines.