You have come to the decision to sell your house. You have spent many years there, but have decided that it is time to upgrade your home. You have children now, each requiring their own room and individual spaces. You feel too crowded in your current average sized home, and are ready for something bigger. Selling a house can feel overwhelming at times, because of all the preparation and planning that is required. There are many things that the professionals recommend to do before even placing it on the market. These things are likely to increase the speed at which it sells, and the amount that it sells for.
Make any noticeable repairs. Over time, homes require minor repairs and renovations. It can be difficult to sell a home, even with minor paint chips or cracks in the kitchen sink. Potential buyers look at these minor problems as things they will have to fix, before moving in. This may cause them to choose another house, or to offer less. They may also require that all of these minor repairs be made, prior to them moving into the house. It can be extremely helpful to fix all of these minor repairs, prior to even putting the house up for sale.
Keep the house clean and tidy. Potential home buyers want to imagine themselves living there. They want to figure out where their furniture will go and what they will use each room for. It can be difficult to visualize these things, when there are items thrown all over. If they do not have kids, for example, a kid?s messy play room can deter them from purchasing the house. It can be easier to keep the house tidy and clean, rather than attempting to quickly clean it before a house showing.
Make any major repairs. Homeowners and sellers are required to notify the possible buyers of any known problems with the home. In fact, they can be legally liable if they hide this type of information. For example, if residential radon testing services showed that radon mitigation was needed, the sellers are required, by law, to tell any possible buyers this information. Fixing major problems can also increase the selling price and can prevent the sale from being declined, due to a failed appraisal or inspection. Most mortgage companies do inspections for things like radon gas testing, prior to approving the sale of the buyer.
Have your own home inspection done. A potential buyer?s failed inspection report can throw a home seller off balance. They may have not been aware of the items on the failed inspection report. A seller can have their own inspection completed, prior to even listing the house, to prevent any surprises. The inspection should include things like residential radon testing services.
If the residential radon testing service shows a high level of radon gases, a radon abatement will need to be done. According to US EPA, nearly 1 in 3 homes checked in 7 states and on three Indian lands had screening levels over 4 pCi L, the EPA?s recommended action level for radon exposure. The residential radon testing service should include both short term and long term testing. Short term detectors measure radon levels for 2 days to 90 days, depending on the device. Long term tests determine the average concentration for more than 90 days. Both types of tests can be helpful in creating a radon mitigation plan with the radon mitigation company.
Selling a home can be difficult. This is especially true if the market is down, or if it is currently a buyer?s market. Sellers may receive lowered offers or very few house offers. There are a few things that a seller can do to avoid surprises and to ensure that their house is ready for sale. They should make any minor or major repairs, keep the house clean and tidy at all times, and have an inspection done on their own, for their own seller?s knowledge.